Nicole Murphy

RUN 100

Running for the Hearts that Can't

Hi everyone!

I am taking part in RUN 100 to raise funds for the Irish Heart Foundation. I (an anti-runner) will be running 100km in the month of February to help protect hearts in Ireland, and I’d love your support. ❤️

The Irish Heart Foundation’s mission is to eliminate preventable death and disability from heart disease and stroke and to support and care for those living with these life-changing conditions.

Thank you for any support you can give. Wish my little lungs luck! 

My Achievements

Shared Page

Self Donated

Updated a Profile Pic

Logged your 1st KM or Mile

25% Target Reached

Reached Fundraising Goal

My Updates


Saturday 1st Mar

The 100th kilometre!!

Saturday 1st Mar
It’s been a long month but thanks to a dry Saturday, 100km are finally done. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated and supported. I might even run on occasion after this compared to the usual never 🙂 It’s been a challenge but for a worthy cause. Now to ice my knees!

Final Day - part 1

Saturday 1st Mar
Warming up with 3km for the final hurdle of 7km later!

Day 28 - evening

Saturday 1st Mar
Day 28 part two! Such an enjoyable run after work. Another 5km down and we’re at 90km! Total 8 today and 10 to go - will wipe that over the weekend

Day 28 - afternoon

Saturday 1st Mar
The 28th day is here! A brisk 3km walk on lunch break. Don’t want to wreck the knees before a pm run.

Day 27 - 82km down!!

Thursday 27th Feb
Lol today’s map is chaotic. Our roads are currently torn up by machinery so this was me going up and down one strip over and over 🫠 Pace was up and down alongside it but 5km closer to 100!!

The Mair Clair Route

Thursday 27th Feb
Had the pleasure of a steps buddy and a well lit evening route this eve, shoutout @Mary. A brisk 4.8km (I started my watch late grr). Nippy evening on the nose but a lovely change of scenery (and pace) for today.

Day 25

Thursday 27th Feb

Day 24

Wednesday 26th Feb
A crisp brisk walk on the roads of Ballinhassig this evening. No running today but 4km nonetheless.

Day 23

Wednesday 26th Feb

Day 22

Wednesday 26th Feb
A beautiful wonderful Saturday afternoon run. Today I genuinely felt I could have gone for 5km comfortably but had to get back and ready for some Saturday antics!

Day 21

Wednesday 26th Feb
A few belated posts incoming - it’s been a hectic week but have made sure to get in some precious kilometres! (4km - Fri 21st)

Day 20 - Run 2

Thursday 20th Feb
Another 2.5km after work today. Fantastic, brilliant, I am a superior being.

Day 20 - Run 1

Thursday 20th Feb
I’ve been stared in the face with the reality that I won’t finish 100km by Feb 28th unless we UP THE ANTI.. 2x runs a day where possible is the plan. A 2.5k at lunchtime today to start

Are We There Yet?

Thursday 20th Feb
Day 19 - a miserable wet 3.5km yesterday

Day 18

Thursday 20th Feb

Running late more than I’m running

Thursday 20th Feb
Hello I’m still alive and would you believe still running. The biggest challenge with the last couple weeks has been trying to get the job done while getting my actual job (9-5) done. There are not enough hours in the day - especially for a girl who can’t get up any earlier than absolutely mandatory for work. A belated post stream incoming. Day 17 - 3.5km

Day 15

Saturday 15th Feb

2 weeks down!

Saturday 15th Feb
2 weeks down and 2 more to go! Weeks 2 felt harder motivation wise as it’s been really hard to get lunch runs in with work and its so so dark by evening. The weather has been terrible which has been the real kicker. Week 1: 21.5K  vs  Week 2: 15.5K

That’s 37km down and 63km to do in 2 weeks lol this should be fun 🫠

Happy Hearts Day ❤️

Saturday 15th Feb
Happy Valentines Day ♥️ Today is all about the hearts and who we give ours to. Pushed for a 3.5K on lunch break today to celebrate day 14 AND 2 weeks down!

Day 13

Saturday 15th Feb
Skipped the day 12 run as the rain and dark was not a viiibe. Had to get over myself and do a rain run today. Contemplated sharing a pic of my soaking but maybe next time xo

Day 11

Wednesday 12th Feb
Posting my day 11 on day 12, as today’s dark and cold and rain has won - I won’t be venturing out. I fear this weather is going to back me into a corner where I need to run 60km in a couple of days, so it needs to cop on :))

Day 10

Monday 10th Feb
No joke my knees are done for since the 2nd day of this, I clearly over did it from the offset but sweet jebus you’d think I would be forgiven by now. Ran 2.5km today with my granny knees and did a couple laps to avoid the hills. Didn’t have time until after work so the dark caught up with me and cut me short. On the UP SIDE, I can really feel my breath control evening out and I’m finding comfortable pace at certain points in the run.

Day 9

Sunday 9th Feb
Yesterday was my first ‘rest’ day after 7 active challenge days. Stayed lightly active with 5k steps but I didn’t count that - so back on the move today with 3.5km

1 Week Down 🏃‍♀️

Friday 7th Feb
Thank you for the donations so far❤️ 1st week done, 7 runs in 7 days - 21.5km. I’m aware that’s just one run for some (unnerving), but wild for me! Dare I say I might welcome another week of it? We won’t get too excited. As you can see by the big fat rectangle above - I had a change of scenery today! Ran 6 laps of a football pitch. All new elements such as running on flat, running on grass, running late/ evening, and even had a running buddy today. Might incorporate a few more of these in the month. Let’s go week 2!

Day 6, same tricks

Friday 7th Feb
Another 3.5km in the bag. Pushed hard today and definitely felt better for it. My legs do not agree with that statement but the heart feels good and that’s what it’s all about ❤️

Day 5

Thursday 6th Feb
My knees are trying their best to adjust to this fate I have laid out for them. So naturally, I upped the ante again today and forced a 3.5K out of myself on my lunch break. It was a slow one but regardless I’ll likely pay for it tomorrow :))

Day 4

Wednesday 5th Feb
First day trying to incorporate the run around a 9am-5:30pm work day. Had a short window as well as feeling pretty weak today. 2km is a personal low BUT felt better than 0. Right? Right. We go again.

Everyone is lying about their 10kms, surely

Monday 3rd Feb
3km today, another misty icky one - not the most motivating. People casually running 10km of a day is outrageous to me now that I know what a KM feels like 🫠 Surely they’re all lying because hell nah

Day 2

Monday 3rd Feb
A sunny Sunday for day 2 was a treattt. ☀️ Same route as yesterday, but took a 4 legged companion today 🐕, so it was a steady jogging pace for the 1.75km out and mostly a fast paced walk/hike for the 1.75km back. The good news is that’s 7kms down! The bad news - my knees feel like the hinge joints of an 80 year old cowboy. What have I done and how do I undo it? 🫠

KM 1 (and 2 and 3) of 100

Saturday 1st Feb
Thanks for the generous donations so far 🫶🏼 Started Day1 with a wet and misty 3.5km. Today’s route is my usual walking route. 1.75km of country road which then meets a busier road (my turnaround point). Was in my best to run that far today and had the uphill battle of the next 1.75km for the way back.. Hoping for a dryer day 2! 🏃‍♀️

Thank you to my Sponsors



You're nearly there! 💪


John Mccarthy


Pet Parlour Boarding

Fair play to you Nicole. I hope you are not a broken woman at the end of this 😄


Liz Mchugh

Well done Nicole, an amazing cause. 10k in June next 🥰



Enjoy the last few KMs 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Georgina Murray

You got this gal!!


Bernie Cronin


Ais O’s

You go girl xx


Sinead O Connell


Áine Mcauliffe


Mark Grayson


Daniel O'sullivan




Roisin Kivlehan

Congrats on great running!








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E. I completed 25km

E. I completed 25km

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F. I completed 50km

F. I completed 50km

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G. I completed 75km

G. I completed 75km

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H. I completed 100km

H. I completed 100km

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e. I completed 25 miles

e. I completed 25 miles

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f. I completed 50 miles

f. I completed 50 miles

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g. I completed 75 miles

g. I completed 75 miles

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h. I completed 100 miles

h. I completed 100 miles

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RUN 100 Planner

RUN 100 Planner

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I am doing RUN 100 for the hearts that can't

I am doing RUN 100 for the hearts that can't

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A.I completed my 5KM

A.I completed my 5KM

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a.I completed my 5miles

a.I completed my 5miles

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B.I completed my 10KM

B.I completed my 10KM

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b.I completed my 10miles

b.I completed my 10miles

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C.I completed my 15KM

C.I completed my 15KM

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c.I completed my 15miles

c.I completed my 15miles

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D.I completed my 20KM

D.I completed my 20KM

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d.I completed my 20miles

d.I completed my 20miles

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