Running for the Hearts that Can't
I am taking part in RUN 100 to raise funds for the Irish Heart Foundation and I’d love your support to help protect hearts in Ireland. ❤️
The Irish Heart Foundation’s mission is to eliminate preventable death and disability from heart disease and stroke and to support and care for those living with these life-changing conditions.
Your donation will make a real difference to people and families affected by heart disease and stroke.
Thank you for visiting my page and for your support.
My Achievements

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Self Donated

Updated a Profile Pic

Logged your 1st KM or Mile

25% Target Reached

Reached Fundraising Goal
My Updates

My Stroke Story
Wednesday 22nd Jan
An MRI revealed that I had suffered a very small ischemic stroke. Being 38, a non-smoker, drug free and not massively out of shape I was shocked to say the least.
Thankfully I didn’t suffer much physical damage. I still have some sensation in a small part of my left hand but it’s barely noticeable and should return to normal. Even if it doesn’t, it doesn’t stop me using my hand and its power/movement are unaffected.
There’s 1 in 3 chance that the doctors will never find the cause. The tests they have done thus far have not pinpointed anything. There’s positives to take from this too.
Two days after I left hospital I was in France on holidays. The following week I went to Belfast to film an exciting new movie. I was straight back into normal life. Point being, I’m totally fine in the grand scheme of things, so don’t worry.
I don’t take what happened lightly though. There have been many tears, many days of asking ‘why did this happen to me?’, moments of not feeling like myself in my own body, anxiety, times of feeling very low. But through all that, I am still here, which is the main thing and I have amazing people around me. I feel like myself again.
This is just something that happened. Posting here, talking to people, speaking with a therapist, helps me reach a place of acceptance.
I’m eating healthier, taking my medication to help prevent future clots and hoping to do something next year to raise money for the Irish Heart Foundation.
The word Stroke will always be attached to me. That’s difficult.
But there’s another word that comes after it.
And it’s a more powerful word.
#strokesurvivor Share
Thank you to my Sponsors

Raphaelle Cuisinier


Chris Coventry
Best of luck!

Dave Fleming


Paul Jones

Gerard Jordan

Eva-jane Gaffney
Well done Jonesy! x

Barbara Dignam
Fair play….legend

Geraldine Sutcliffe

Sarah Ní Mhuirí
Lean ort! 👏🏻💪🏼

Good luck - great cause. Run Forrest!

Stephen Jones

Srfc Molde

Paul Glew
All the very best Stephen , such a great cause.

Carl Maher
Inspiring to see man keep it up!

